Pushing through

So, I have not written anything in some days. I Have been busy researching and working on putting together the information for my Kickstarter campaign that’s coming soon.

With that said, emotionally, it has been a pretty up and down week and I guess as blogs go, the message for the blog today is pushing through the moments of doubt.

As an artist, I believe that most of us share a similar personality where we have self-doubt or moments of wondering if anyone else will “get me”. Even when things are seemingly good, I have my moments of what the heck am I doing, or moments of being unhappy for almost no apparent reason. Well there is always a reason and its usually from the lack of feeling fulfilled. For me this is all the start of a journey and while I hope that people will enjoy my work, I find that I am all to concerned with having something great enough that people will want to talk about or refer others to.

I try to remind myself that every journey is that, a journey. There is no good or bad. There is no success or fail. At the heart of it all, its about doing something you love and finding the pleasure in the process. For some that process is a bit easier, but even those of us who have to struggle and fight for every review or validation the feeling is all the same. From speaking with my peers, most artist I have had the pleasure to converse with, go through this cycle no matter how successful one may be.

My personal take is that artist typically suffer in one form or the other, and out of that suffering can come greatness even if that artist is not aware. One of my favorite underrated movies of my time is Lady in the Water by M. Night Shyamalan. I loved the message and I think most artist can identify with it. Without giving away any spoilers, the way the story played out for the writer in the story speaks volumes to me. Just keep pushing and do what’s in your heart. Take pleasure in knowing that you are following your dream. Who knows, you may have an impact on someone else who turn to your work for a moment of happiness when they need it the most.


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